We ( and I mean me and the dogs!) had a wonderful time with the folks in Indian River and are looking forward to presenting our second seminar series with them later in the year. Our "round two" seminar, "Don't say the "d" word" is all about showing handlers how to successfully drill pieces of exercises, reward effort and zone in on precision pieces without killing speed or attitude. I will be doing this seminar in late February with the folks in the Brevard County Dog Training Club, Indian River, Marion Alachua and possibly the Dog Training Club of Tampa. Sarasota Obedience Club will be hosting our foundational seminars "Healing your Heeling" and the "Problem Solving in Open and Utility" later this year. Seminars are so much fun and I have enjoyed the clinics and watching handlers improve since their attendance. Here is what a recent seminar attendee had to say:
"I thought you might enjoy a testimonial from my last night's practice with Kwest.
We did individual run throughs for Barbara (Bill Dilliard's daughter) to determine where we need work for Novice competition. Barb is also an AKC obedience judge. Going through the exercises, I remembered to use the head cues for turning and other little things you had in your seminar. At the end, Barbara said she would have given Kwest a 197. With any other dog, I would have been over the moon with such a score. However, I know he can do so much better. That "picture of perfect" is so much clearer for me now. I noticed the slight lag in the about turns, the occasional lowering of the head, the very slightly off recall sit. Those baubles that I would have accepted in my other dogs are not what I want for this dog. His natural abilities let me believe in the "picture of perfect". Perhaps one of my all time favorite "ah hah" moments in dog training. Thanks!!!!"
It's reading comments like this that I love. Good Boy Kwest!
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